Saludos friends of Venezuela!
Please find this week's Correo del Orinoco International - English Edition here.
We are pleased to announce that this week's newspaper is dedicated to the military rebellion led by Hugo Chávez 18 years ago, on February 4, 1992. "For Now, Forever: The Day Hugo Chavez Changed Venezuela's Destiny", goes in depth into what sparked the beginning steps that have led to the Bolivarian Revolution. In Caracas, on this February 4, a mass march and rally will take place in the famous Los Proceres Avenue, in Fort Tiuna, concluding with an inspiring speech by President Chávez. The anniversary of this event is now known in Venezuela as the "Day of Dignity".
This week's edition also has a special story on Colored Revolutions as a new form of regime change, currently at play in Venezuela by opposition forces. We go into depth on the history of this strategy, how it has been successfully applied in the former Yugoslavia, Ukraine and Georgia, and how it is developing in Venezuela, which agencies are behind it and how it works. We also have interesting stories on the battle against media monopolies; how community councils are taking decision-making power into their own hands to build their ideal nation; a pioneering urban cultural youth center in Caracas that is changing the lives of poor urban youth; UNESCO's latest report on education achievements in Venezuela; an exclusive interview with Dario Azzellini, author of The Business of War and the new documentary, Comuna under Construction; and a stellar OpEd by Michael Parenti on Empire and Imperialism that you shouldn't miss.
Friends, we are still looking for high-quality writers for the Correo International, and always accept submissions for consideration. We can't promise everyone will get published, but I personally will evaluate each article for publication. Again, please send your suggestions on story topics and themes for future editions.
We're also really happy to announce that next Friday, February 12, is the date of the official launching of the Correo del Orinoco International - English Edition and the website, in both Spanish and English. While we have published three editions so far, our official, official launch date is next Friday. After that day, the print edition of the Correo del Orinoco International - English Edition, will be available as a separate publication in newsstands across Venezuela. But don't worry, I will still send out the digital version! And, the website will be up so you will also be able to access the digital version directly online from the website.
We are still looking for help with international distribution. Please let us know if you can help. And please let everyone know about this new and exciting project. Thank you!
Revolutionary Regards,
Eva Golinger
Correo del Orinoco International - English Edition
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